Saturday, July 31, 2010

In What Way Or Manner to Win a Woman Back

I have experience dealing with how to win a woman back.

When one day your girlfriend just elect to abandon you for whatever motivation. Can you deduce the blow,stress and regret you have to experience when something like this happen to you?

Something like this puts you through terrible emotional pain for long periods of time.

But, I did not allow this to get me down. I was able to ride out the blows and got back to my feet. In this condition I was still able to find a way to win a wife back. Look I had to put in every effort to get my marriage of over ten years on track again.

One reason why you're reading this article, is that you are looking for tips to win a wife back, whether it's your wife or your girlfriend.

Well, today I have good news for you. Based on my experiences I can come up with at least five tips on how to win a woman back.

Now then, without any delay, let us talk about those steps or tips that have helped me in my quest to win back my wife.

Tip 1:

I know you are in a hurry to get her back. But, do not rush and you must be really willing to endure. Do not trouble her during the first few weeks after the breakup by sending text messages, emails, calling her or bumping into her by "accident". Both of you need time to consolidate, think about what happened, sort out contradictory feelings,etc.

Tip Two:

In order to transform yourself for the better, you need to take time off by being in solitary. As the saying go, it takes two to tango. I breakup happens between two people and not just one. Lets face it, and do not try to refute it. You took a blow and some damage was caused to perhaps your ego or personality.

Tip 3:

Do not be afraid to cry. Men can can cry. To cry is absolutely natural in certain situations, especially a breakup. Just remember, when something like a breakup happens unexpectedly, it's normal to cry. But the point I want to make is that you should not stay at a standstill. You have to move on.

Tip 4:

The next step involves you to start to take action. You need to get out of your cave. I'm going to sound very contraversial by saying that you need to start dating someone. Yes, date another wife. You need to get out to rebuild you ego and self-confidence. This will make you even more irresistable for your ex and prepare you for the next step.

Tip Five:

By now you are prepared for the kill and to win your girlfriend back. You will need to speak to your ex, send a letter, text message, email, etc. Do not make the mistake by begging for her love. You need to be in control. Just impress on her that everything is fine with you and that you want to have a fantastic and enjoyable time with her. Read more...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Beware of Girls
One day, a girl, 16yrs old, heard from her mother that if she does a regular prayer for 4 yrs, a divine "Angel" would come to her in her dreams & give her 3 boons. So she decided to do it. She completed 4 years successfully, doing prayer regularly.

Now it was a day for "Angel" to come. So she slept earlier with thoughts in her mind to ask. And, really an "Angel" comes in her dreams. Now this is the dialogue between them.

Angel: O Girl, you prayed to me regularly within last 4 yrs, so I am very very happy with you. I will complete any of your 3 wishes. You can ask anything you like, but there is one condition.

Girl: Condition!, what is that?

Angel: You have a boy-friend?

Girl: Yes.

Angel: When you were doing a prayer, he was waiting for you, so he also sacrificed same as you. Moreover, he didn’t know anything about boon and all, so he is also eligible for the boons. So whatever you will ask, he will get 10 times more than that of you. If you are agreed, then proceed for the 1st boon.

Girl: (After thinking for some time …): Yes, I am ready.

Girl: 1st, make me 10 times richer than the richest person in the world.

Angel: But your boy-friend will be 10 times richer than you.

Girl: It’s OK.

Angel: Be as you wish!

Girl: 2nd, Make me 10 times more beautiful than the most beautiful girl in the world. Angel: But your boy-friend will be 10 times handsome than the most handsome boy in the world.

Girl: It’s OK.

Angel: Be as you wish.

Angel: Now the last boon remains.

Girl: O Angel, please give me a MILD HEART-ATTACK.

Angel: What? Are you sure!

Girl: Yes. Very sure!

Angel: Be as you wish.

Think friends, what happened to her boy-friend, he got a severe heart-attack & died at once, while the girl remained alive. Thus, the girl became the world’s most beautiful girl and the richest one, too.

Moral of the story: So intelligent the girls are! Girls are really more intelligent than we believe about them to be. So be careful boys!

Now, girls please stop reading … boys scroll down…









Dear boys, don't worry, actually what happened is something different than what you all think! Actually, the girl’s boy-friend got a heart-attack, 10 TIMES MILDER than that of the girl. So the boy-friend lived longer than the girl, being world’s richest and the most handsome boy.

Moral of the story: Dear boys, the girls are not really that much intelligent than what we believe them to be. So don't worry if you think that you have girl-friend, intelligent than you.

Hey….I told u girls not to read…

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Vuvuzela Photo Bomb!

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